Thursday, January 12, 2017


In remembering last year, I don’t know about you, but all I can do is breathe a sigh of relief, whew, I made it. I survived. There were times when my life felt like a new episode of Nightmare on Elm Street or my name should have been added in the book of Job in the bible. It seemed that when I hung up from one calamity another was at my door.

I made an effort to relax by turning on the television.  I got a glimpse of the daily news.   There was no relief there, only horror to see the tragedies happening all around me, near and far. It seems that after a year like this, resetting my tolerance meter and reevaluating my strategy for the upcoming year is crucial. It would be very beneficial activity for anyone. It would allow us to reconnect with ourselves, family and friends, and most importantly, our Creator. We don’t know what we’ll face this year but it’s better to face the unknown with an inexhaustible source of help and strength.

The process I suggest is very simple. It is most effective when done on bended knees. Let me explain that this is more than a physical position. There are times when physically I am unable to get on my knees but I am always able to bend or surrender my heart. You will be able to accomplish this too with a little practice if you’re not already an expert.

Why on bended knee you ask. Just look at it this way, it’s hard to be hit with a flying dart of life or any such attack if you’re on your knees. They seem to fly right over your head. Even if you’re hit, you won’t have far to fall. You also notice more of the simple and small things when you’re in this position.

Here we go, we’re on bended knee. Ask yourself these series of questions followed by the response “thank you”. Do I have a place to lay my head at night, “thank you”. Do I have something to eat, “thank you”. Did I get out of bed on my own this morning, “thank you”. The questions will start to flow if you keep going and the response will become automatic. After you’ve mastered this, sit still and quiet. Take pad and paper, you’d be surprised at what you’d write.

Many times, people get tangled in whom you should say “thank you” to. If you don’t believe in the Creator, it’s ok. It’s just as important to say “thank you” to those who feed positively into our lives. Just be grateful being able to do all these things. There is a deep cleansing and healing in this kind of exercise. It resets one’s perspective. No matter how independent we may feel, we all, at some point, need assistance from someone else.

Whatever comes this year; believe that we can handle it. Things will happen this year the will sadden and hurt us and come in a moment’s notice. There will be things that will over joy us and fill our hearts with glee. But whatever comes, stay encouraged and focused to live a victorious year. Remember, we are more than conquerors if we stay on bended knee.

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