Sunday, June 2, 2019

Give Me What I Want

I apologize to you all and I am ashamed it’s taken so long for me to post on my blog, but my life has changed.   I can give all the excuses in the world but they all lead to the fact, I haven’t posted. Sometime we can take things for granted or miss their deeper significance or purpose.  I began to realize the part the blogs played in my life and how all it began in 2007.  They began in a season where God asked me a question or posed the answer, it seems to be two-edged scenario.  His words to me were, who could write of my (his) glory.  My writing career, yes, career, as well and my life pursuit today began in the attempt to fulfill this command.

Recently I’ve had this urging in my soul saying, give me what I want. Now I know it’s God and like most, I thought I was doing just that. I know many of you would never do this but as an inquisitive child of God, I asked what more do I need to do. God sweetly spoke in my soul, “more of you”.

At first, I felt like the husband who works two jobs, brings home flowers, or the wife who takes care of the 10 children, has a hot meal on the table each day, confused as these acts not being recognized as giving “me” to God. But upon close examination, I saw that these things can become duties and repetitious acts, hollow in their expression to those we do them for.

In its simplest form, what God was looking for was more quality time with me.  People that give you money or gifts or elaborate words, or phone calls don’t necessarily love you, but anyone who sets aside time to be with you, expresses a real love.

So along with the things I do to honor Him or to grow to know more about Him, I will add spending more time with Him, just to be at His feet and in His presence.  I expect to find many of the things I’ve been searching for in His presence.  The scripture says there is the fullness of joy in His presence; there is peace in His presence, as a first hand witness I know there is protection in His presence.  How could I have drifted doing His will? The greatest blessing of giving yourself to God and spending time with him to me is those moments you’re alone and He’ll speak from His heart to your soul.  He’ll give a revelation into your future and place in Him. Time flies in those moments and questions or burdens you’ve had for years are lifted with one word from Him.

Just as a parent for a lifetime draws their children close to them, one day they long for that child to come in the door on their own accord to spend time with them, to show their love and appreciation, just being in their presence, how much more so our creator, my God desires me and all to give Him what He wants, more of you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year-New Me

I thought about sending my usual post regarding pressing toward the mark but it came clear to me it was no longer new due to the fact it was over used.

I thought a lot about things that were going on in my life and came to the conclusion I needed something new for 2019. 

With regard to change, I find the ones that last the longest and have the most impact begin with ourselves.  So, what I’ll strive for in 2019 is a new me.  This new me is in Christ, not some separate being or persona, or from the script of 3 faces of Eve.  As the Apostle Paul so eloquently said (Acts 17:28), in Him, we live, and move and have our being.

The new me will never emerge if I continue doing the same things. The very definition of insanity speaks to my point; doing the same thing expecting different results. If I want a change in my life, I need to begin by doing something different. I’ll start with a new mindset, new commitments, and new rules of engagement. 

A new mind is critical in the newness I seek.  I need to review and readjust my thoughts, thereby changing my perceptions, and as a result, my actions will change.  This will affect the impact life and circumstances will have on me.  The scriptures tell us to renew our minds (Ephesians 4:23, Romans 12:2).

I need to review my commitments, get rid of the unnecessary ones and add those that are key to the new emerging me.  Time is precious and it’s a time for new horizons.

I’ve discovered that how I engaged in the past isn’t working anymore and need to determine new rules of engagement to life to have the best new year and new me. I can’t engage with negative thoughts and people and expect positive results. I can’t wait for the blessing to fall out of the sky to hit me, but must move in God like the lepers and walk in the direction of my new destiny and be healed along the way.  I must make every step count.  I must monitor the movements I make.

All of my fractured efforts and pieces will fall into place and work together only from the new hope and new mercies God will grant me in 2019.  He wants us to find a higher place, our distinct place in Him.

Join me in this new year in finding the new you as I find the new me in Christ.