Sunday, May 24, 2020

Write on, Write on

I’ve been writing since 2007.  But much of my writing, in the past years, have been academic in nature. I began seminary school on a quest to quench the thirst in my soul to find more of God, a place, a deeper and more fulfilling reservoir for my soul to bask in.  But as chances have it, I’ve been consumed with academic goals and grade that my regular inspirational writing has suffered, if not come to a complete halt.  Now, my soul is feeling another type of lace.  I find myself in a quandary.  I was given a Word from the Lord to write of His Glory. My challenge is, when I’d done with my academic assignments, I’m exhausted and my inspiration is spent.  I go into survival mode and my goal is to take a nap or eat a snack.  

Recently, a feeling of being unfulfilled and slightly disobedient has risen in my spirit.  There is an urgency where I must rectify my situation.  Simply put, I must write about my wonderful God.

Many of you who have put down a dream or talent and pursued a career, education, or raising a family, understand my dilemma of the time-energy-inspiration-continuum or cycle in life.  But as my original writing experience was hewn out of a hard place, in the midnight and early morning hours.  I have no valid excuse.  

So, I will begin to do what my soul also loves and needs by rededicating time, energy, resources to writing a bout the God I love and adore, who by the way is the champion of all my stories.

Maybe you too have stopped chasing something God had designed for you to do? Maybe you too are feeling a bit unfulfilled? Then let’s make a change that one day and one step at a time we will move to regain that fulfillment and satisfaction for our spirit that only obedience can bring.  It’s going to be hard and it won’t happen overnight.  But with persistence, it will happen and our full joy will return.

I’m ready to begin, are you? Push through whatever is holding you back. The Lord will meet us there to bless us. I’m gonna write on, write on.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

What’s in a Name

Now everyone who knows me knows my full name. I’ve had challenges with it since kindergarten. It took two pages to write and they didn’t allow me to use my nick name. I still have a permanent dent in my finger from those large pencils we wrote with in school.

Depending on how you spell it, it can have 15 or 16 letters in it.  There are certain letters that are missing like, f, g,k,l,m, q,u,v,w,x,z, and a y depending on whose spelling you use.  

I’ve asked my mom several times what my names means and at her age, she says she doesn’t remember. I know she was an avid reader.  My father says it’s a combination of the flower.  They both said that they knew I was the last child and my name should be special, and that it is.

I’m reminded about how in the Jewish culture and all through the bible, each name is significant.  For the males, generally their sons were given the name of their father, but all names had meaning.  In the bible, one notable exception to this is the case of Zacharias and his son John the Baptist.

By naming his son a different name, the name told to him by the angel Gabriel, he broke tradition and began new distinction for that child.  We all know that John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ and was an amazing example of dedication to Christ and the Gospel.

I know my names has opened doors for me and has set me apart in many ways.  It instills in me pride and a distinction of who I am and what I can accomplish. Its funny what a name can do.  What we call ourselves and how we see ourselves is important. It gives me the distinction of being the first with a named like that in my family, so I have many places in my family where I am the first.  I was the first to introduce salvation to my family.

What does your name mean? Have you researched other notable characters with your name? how have you made your name something to be remembered?

I believe God knows all our names.  this was proven to me once when someone came to me saying God wanted me to help them with a particular problem and he didn’t call me by my nickname, but by that name I had a hard time writing in kindergarten.  

We all have history, we all have purpose and destiny, it begins with our name. Know that God knows our name.