Monday, March 4, 2013


It seems like all through life I’ve been searching for something.  When I was young I was searching for freedom.  When I was a young adult I was searching for myself and true happiness.  As an adult I was searching for my soul mate.    Now, all I want is peace with me and peace with God.  We all are searching for something.   

 I remember very clearly when I was 24 years old, thinking how significant it was to be almost a quarter of a century old.   I remember thinking there had to be more to life than what I had experienced as of yet.  I was unsure where to go to find what I was looking for.   I began doing more with my daughter, traveling, thinking I’d find a fuller life there.  I would hang out with my friends, probably paying the rent on a few discos thinking I’d find happiness in the music and the dance. I was happy with my life, even though I had experienced some rough times.  I just remember deep in my soul that I was still searching, I was incomplete.
One day by chance, I decided to visit a friend’s church.  When I left, my life was forever changed.  I felt complete.  I had found God.  While I was at church, I felt His presence.  The preached Word taught me more of the God I’d found and what He expected of me.  The hymns that we sang recharged my spiritual being.  Church seemed to be the place, through my worship and praise, that I showed God my gratitude and appreciation.   The place that I really found Him again, heard His voice, and saw Him in action was when I was away from church or alone in despair.  I found Him on my job when times were rough.  I found him in my weakest times and my darkest hours.  He was there, not judging, just loving me, and showing me a better way.  The place I found Him most powerful was in my pain and suffering.
A natural human reaction is to think that during good times the true nature and strength of a person or thing are revealed.  Many engineers will testify that it is during the hard times or stress you really see the strength and constitution of certain elements.  Have you found God yet?  Have you looked in the right places?  Start your search in you hard times and when your heart is aching.  He is that glimmer of light in the darkest tunnel.  I guarantee you’ll find Him, listen closely.  Don’t give up the search, He’s waiting for you.

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