Now when I think about my life, I remember the hardships and the victories. The very mention of some, still fill my soul with dread. I’ve come to appreciate each of these places because I’ve gained wisdom otherwise unreachable without them.
Let me clarify this a bit, because you might be thinking about the places I’ve been like Spain, Jamaica, Cozumel, or the Netherlands and the things I’ve seen there. I’m not talking about t...he fine works of art of the great places in nature or the delicious cuisine I’ve tasted.
No, I’m referring to the places of loneliness, despair, heartbreak, and major illnesses that I’ve been in. I’ve been poor and without, I’ve had friends lie and walk out on me. I’ve had mother and father forsake me. I’ve seen those in the corporate and political arena take advantage of their positions. I’ve seen things stolen right before my eyes and I couldn’t stop it, trying not to offend God by resolving it my way. I’ve been in a courtroom with an angry Judge. I’ve had doctors who could do no more than keep the medications coming. I’ve seen the death angel come and go.
The places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen sent me running and clinging to God. Some places broke me financially and others broke my spirit. I’ve seen circumstances that took all my hope and strength away. But God would step in.
With confidence, I can stand and say, He will never leave you or forsake you. He will fight our battles, all things work together for the good of them that love God (Romans 8:28). He’s more than the whole world against you and loves us with an unimaginable love.
Let’s not run from those places or things we see, but seek God, rest and trust in Him to direct our lives. These experiences make us the master yodas for this generation. Your experience may not be my experience but the God that brought us through is the same. He’s the great I AM who is all powerful, all knowing, and ever present.
I was young and now I’m old, but I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging bread (Psalms 37:25). If you’re in one of those hard places, trust in the Lord with all you heart and wait on Him. Your wait won’t be useless but it brings your strength and help from God (Isaiah 40:31).
From the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen, I’ve been privileged to see God’s love for me. I’ve learned so much about God and more importantly, I’ve learned so much about myself, from the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen.
What’s your story? Do you see God in the places He’s brought your through? Have you seen His hand deliver you? Tell someone and remind yourself that we serve a God that is able to carry us through.